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The Cambridge Student

‘Christabel Clark gave a superb performance’


'..her command and presence… demands your full attention.'

Brighton Fringe

'Winner of the Brighton Fringe Audience Choice Award' 2018 

Rye News

‘Christabel Clark was excellent’ 


‘...very eloquent...relaxed and easy stage presence...beautifully subtle.’

What's On Magazine

'A mix elegance of characterization with knock about humour, resulting in one of the most enjoyable comic evenings ever'

"Eloquent and life affirming couplet"

by David Rumelle, Remotegoat (03/05/15)

"Izzy flirts unashamedly with Nick in a Paris wine bar -certain that a relationship will be the outcome. It takes over ten years for their relationship to come to fruition-seeing each other through graduation, family bereavement, failed marriage for him and bitter relationships for her- all cemented by their central friendship. This gives the chance for some wonderful questions about friendships and relationships to be asked and ultimately. answered. The superbly written naturalistic style of dialogue and very eloquent performances have a brilliant television quality-bordering- at times- on" fly on the wall " style...

Both Winton Russell and Christabel Clark have the ability to take the audience on a life affirming journey. Their relaxed and easy stage presence allows them to move seamlessly between landmark points in the passing of the years- and they have the ability to convey age and growing maturity in a beautifully subtle way. As an audience member we feel both performers have shown us so many layers -striped away to reveal an enduring friendship-all within the space of forty five minutes. (No mean feat!)...

Both give sincere and truthful performances in their relationship-never bordering on stereo-type At times the naturalistic dialogue in both plays can be slightly inaudible but I have no doubt this will be addressed as this highly talented cast progress with their run."

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